It's Four am...

It’s four AM. I am in my hotel room fixing my cosplay for the next day. At the time, I was screaming bloody murder; I forgot super glue. Leaving the room, I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to find a way to get some semblance of super glue so I can repair the broken pieces. Bearing the fact that it’s four AM, there were not a whole lot of options. After twenty minutes of running around, begging every human being I ran into, I resigned myself and called a cab to the local 24-hour Wal-Mart (that was a thirty-mile round trip). Tears ended up being used as a setting solution, because by now I’m exhausted and ready to give up…

Some lessons, no matter how rough are best learned the hard way. Ask any cosplayer worth their salt, and they have a story just like this. Usually, it involves a broken prop or costume, its past midnight, and everyone is sleeping while everything is being finished. It’s a hard thing to go through, and I wish it upon no one. For all of you out there that cringed while reading these past two paragraphs, this is dedicated to you…

            For the uninitiated, welcome to the party! I write this so that you don’t have to feel this pain and can enjoy a good night’s sleep the night before the cosplay contest. My objective is after reading this, you can make great memories and win that Cosplay contest like you always dreamed of instead of staying up all night anxious to the bone. Nobody that has experienced crunch wants to ever re-live it. Don’t believe me? Ask your more seasoned cosplay friends…I guarantee they have a story just like above.

            Most of us that have some sort of story of their own have learned from such trials and tribulations. Some believe it is a “rite of passage” of sorts… 

Trust me…It’s not. 

Kogan Con 2024

It’s the biggest fear of any cosplayer, and it only leads to you having to make excuses during pre-judging. My objective with this article is to make it so that you do not have to have these experiences. So that you can instead enjoy your con experience and come home with best in show; having memories that you can cherish forever.

Much like anything you learn from, you must find a solution; so, it does not happen again. The best solution would be to have a toolbox with everything you may need for when a situation like this comes up. Not IF, WHEN. It will come up, and it will be at the Absolutely worst time possible. I know a cosplayer that had an animatronic wing setup for their cosplay. One of their wings fell off on stage during a national cosplay contest. These things happen; it’s better to be prepared than not.

Please. Keep in mind much like everything else in cosplay the following list is SUBJECTIVE. Everyone’s needs are different. I created this list based on the personal experiences of myself, several members of Con ops at cons I have worked with, and a large assortment of professional and amateur cosplayers across several walks of life. You may not need all of this, so don’t run out and buy everything thinking you may need it someday. Start small, and scale as necessary. The only person that is going to know what you best need is you.

Quick word of warning

The following list contains HAZARDOUS and TOXIC chemicals that WILL make you sick (or worse). Please read the warnings on everything you use for proper use and storage of these products. There are also objects listed below that will HURT YOU if not properly used. I implore you to do the necessary research and take the training to use these tools properly before you must use them. When in doubt, DON’T DO IT! Also, please use all these items in a safe and well-ventilated area as per the instructions with the correct PPE (more on that later).


Now that that’s out of the way…. On to the big list of fun!


            Glue comes in many shapes, forms, setting times, and strengths. Every glue has a use for different materials. Depending upon what your cosplay is, you may need a specific glue for a specific material. Make sure you have a small amount of whatever type you require for your cosplay. It is always good to have a hot glue gun and glue sticks of various strengths and colors to match your cosplay. A decent super glue gel is also a necessity, because in a pinch it will stick to anything with enough pressure. 


The old standby. I prefer the gel type because it doesn’t run.

Hot glue and Gun

The best for the immediate fix. make sure you have a small assortment of different glue sticks of strength and color.

Jeweler's glue 

Jewelers swear by it for a reason. Great for holding large things together.

Fabric glue

Great for when you don’t have time to sew, or for those specific small spots.

Contact Cement

The old standby for anything involving foam builds.

Super glue accelerator

This will instantly solidify different superglues. It smells funky, and it leaves an odd residue. Practice with it before using.


            Tape is another one that has many all-around uses. Broke a prop and need to keep it together until you can glue? Use tape. One of your parts need some touch-up? Tape. Need to keep something in place, but don’t want to have it hold permanently? Tape. 

Masking tape

Known for not having a lot of adhesion, this is good for masking an area you do not want painted.

Great for temporary stay, or to mask for paint touch-up.

Duct tape / Gaffer’s tape 

Strongest bond possible. This is the tape you want when there is a break that requires strength.

There is always a need for it, and it’s handy to have.

Electrical tape 

A vinyl-rubber based tape with a tacky adhesive, this is good for electronic components and wires

for the small jobs where duct tape is too big, or too much

sports tape

Skin-safe tape used to hold something to your skin, such as props or clothing. Perfect for those sensitive situations where masking tape won't work.

Cosplay hygiene items:


This is outside of your personal hygiene needs. You have a toiletries bag for that. This is the “oh crap! I forgot to put deodorant on this morning because I was busy putting my cosplay on” sort of stuff. Make sure you have your run of the mill hygiene stuff in a separate bag with your normie clothes in your luggage. This is for cosplay and events only.


Always good to have spares of this one as a just-in-case it gets too warm in that full foam armor.


Whatever you use for your cosplay should be in a container as a spare pallet.

Small Mirror

when there are five people and one mirror in your hotel room…

Wig Comb / Brush

Keep that wig looking good. This is an often-forgotten necessity.

Spare Wig Cap

Handy for when your's gets soaked in sweat!

baby wipes

The best all-around cleaning item on the planet! Especially handy when that occasional....spill happens in the hotel room.


For that morning after…

always good to have a few small bottles of painkillers, antihistamines, and decongestant. you may be someone's hero for the day.

Nail File

Not just for cuticles anymore. Use as a n emergency file for your props. It

can be handy when a sharp edge on a prop starts stabbing in the wrong place

Contact Solution

Trust me, dry contacts are excruciating. Make sure you have a contact solution that works with your eyes. Practice it a bit before you put it in your kit, so you know it works.

Eye Drops

For….dry eyes. Yeah, dry eyes…Seriously. It’s a thing. It can also be used on red skin spots. It will remove the redness.

Hair Spray

for your wig. Make sure you get the stuff with the EXTRA EXTRA HOLD

Bobby Pins

Not just for lockpicking! They get lost, and have tons of uses.

Safety Pins

Emergency fabric tears are the worst. These can also be used for emergency prop repairs as well.

Lint Roller

For that random encounter with cat / dog / furry.


for that inevitable crafting cut. It's only a flesh wound...

Detergent Pen

That ketchup stain sucks.  these pens don’t and cleans up the Ketchup stain too!


The duct tape of hygiene items, these have uses galore

Makeup Remover

Witch hazel is handy, but there are many different varieties. Best bet is to go for the hypoallergenic variety.

Writing utensils:

            How many times has someone asked you for a pen? Or for a marker? It happens more than you think, and it is good to have one handy if possible. Having an extra one (or four) in your cosplay kit can be a lifesaver! Here are a few I keep:

Mechanical Pencil

They erase! And they don't need to be sharpened! Easy to keep around, and you don't have to worry about keeping them sharpened.

Permanent Marker

Always great for when you're chasing signatures from your favorite cosplay guest, or to mark on a map.


To erase those cocktail napkin ideas. The white polymer ones are amazing, and can be used in a pinch for several other repairs.


Handy for con programs. Never miss a panel again!

Business / Marketing Kit:

            Now, I understand not everyone reading this blog wants to be a professional cosplayer, an event vendor, or a part of a cosplay group. However, if you do (or even just have a Facebook/Insta/TikTok) you should have at least something that creates a draw to those pages. Here are some examples I have seen…and use every day.

Business Cards

Easiest way to network at cons. Put a QR code on it to your socials. You can get them designed and made for less than lunch at a convention center. Need a logo? Hire a local artist, or use a site such as fiver.

Badge Ribbons

One of the original ways to network at con. Put a funny tagline, or your logo on a badge ribbon, and offer them at events.

Post-it Notes

If you are booth-bound, or if you have a large cosplay box, this is a must. Write down handy reminders, and you will be reminded every time you open the box. I use his regularly on my camera bag.

Small Notebook

for journaling your interactions. Don’t expect to remember everyone you interact with at an event – I have a photographic memory and I rarely remember a name. Use something like a moleskin book or a notes app on your phone.

Lapel Pins / Buttons

With the popularity of Ita Bags, Lapel pins and buttons are collected like Pokemon. Use your cosplay moniker logo, or something silly in cosplay culture.


Stickers are inexpensive, handy to transport, and near-permanent when you stick them on something. Make sure they are dishwasher safe, as lots of people put stickers on Nalgene bottles.

Cosplay Repair tools:

            This is the paragraph of misfit items that don’t fit in the above categories. Nearly all of these are toxic, dangerous, or harmful in some way. Please make sure you use appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) when you utilize these items. They also can be bulky, so keep them in the hotel room, or at a booth on the con floor. Carrying all of this around is impractical, and unnecessary.


A set with multiple bits is best. The last thing you want when setting up something new and you discover a slotted #7 security bit.


Jewler's pliers, or wiring pliers have multiple uses when repairs are needed. Also handy for that electrical fix.


Once you are done swearing in multiple languages because two rhinestones fell off your headpiece 20 minutes before prejudging, grab one of these to fit it.

Foam Knife

This can be an X-Acto knife set, a carpenter's knife, or a box cutter. Sometimes, you have that emergency foam fabrication, and need to chop up some foam.

Paint and Brushes

Chips and rubs will happen on your props and armor. Having small amounts of your paints from the build makes it easy to repair on the spot.

Paint Markers

A bit more expensive, but much handier than paint. Find some to match your cosplay armor.


A two part epoxy putty popular in diorama building, milliput dries fast, and is very strong once dried. can be used for repairs and quick detail fixes.

Foam Clay

Becoming more popular recently, foam clay is an air dry clay made of EVA foam. keep a bit of it in a ziplock bag for emergency repairs.


Keep various grades on hand for foam and 3D print repairs. high-grits (2-5 thousand) can also buff out scratches.

Sewing Kit

A small container with extra thread and needles from your cosplays. Seam rips happen.


they have an assortment of uses in a pinch. Especially for clothing


Double and Triple-A Batteries are the most popular, but always keep extras for your cosplay.

Charging cables

Cables are always something that you should have extras of. Bearing the fact everything now has a charging port, and a different cable to go with it, its a good idea to have extras.

Soldering Iron

Not just for fixing electronics. Great for foam and plastic repairs too. The portable propane ones work best for transport.

Wire and connectors

If your cosplay has electronics, it's handy to have extra wire and connectors in case of emergency repairs.

Modge Podge

The non-toxic clear coat. Handy as a paper glue, paper mache' repairs, and paint touch-ups.

Heat Gun

It can be a pain to carry, but it's perfect for Foam Smithing and repairs. It works a lot better than the Hotel room Hairdryer


Invest in a good set and use them the way they were meant to. Cutting paper or foam with a 30.00 pair of Scissors is overkill.

Sculpting tools

Great in a pinch when you need to smooth something out.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

Last but most importantly, you MUST have personal protection equipment in your repair kit. Although it’s fun to cosplay with eyepatches, scars, and burn marks it is even more fun when you can remove them off at the end of the day. Being able to breathe is a handy thing as well. REMEMBER! Good PPE may be pricey, but it is a lot cheaper than a trip to the ER!

Mask / Respirator 

Glues / Paints / dust can be extremely hazardous to breathe. Make sure you have something that is rated for these chemicals. A N95 works great for this but a full respirator is ideal.


Glues/paints don’t always come off with soap and water, and it’s a pain todeal with them. Rubber Nitrite gloves work wonders to stay clean on the con floor during emergency repairs. They are great for first aid as well.

Safety glasses  

Your eyes are one of your most important organs, any they are

Sensitive to more than just dust and particles. Your Eyeglasses don’t count, so get some goggles. Make sure they are ANSI rated; It’s the standard in safety glasses.

Cutting mat 

There is a reason they ask for a deposit at hotels and it’s not for your bar tab. Cutting foam or painting that resin piece on the hotel desk is an easy way to blow your con budget (ask me how I know).

Something to carry it all in…

This is where things can get interesting. Everyone’s needs are different, and some may need more than others. A person with a full foam armor build with lights and sound is going to need more than say, someone who sewed a dress by hand, or a member of the Mandalorian mercs (those peeps are nuts). I have seen people literally wheel around a pelican case full of supplies for their cosplay, because that is what they need to carry everything. At that point, your best bet is to convince one of your friends/significant others/associates to be a handler and carry a backpack around the event. It’s also a reasonable idea to meet people who vend; they always have an extra corner of space, and a spare outlet. If you cannot talk someone into helping you with that, I would suggest having a toolbox in your hotel room/booth/locker/car (ONCE AGAIN – READ THE DIRECTIONS/WARNINGS ON EVERYTHING! Most of this stuff is sensitive to hot and cold, and your results will vary). If you need to have something with you, have a fanny/hip/backpack a part of your cosplay for those small items. 

Dr.Strange Cosplayer

For most, a small toolbox or backpack will be more than enough. If you require more than that, it’s time to look at a wheeled hard-shell case to carry everything. If that is the route you need to go, make sure you have somewhere out of the way to keep it. DO NOT be one of those people that walks around the aisles with a giant cart, knocking into everything. Yes, I know; Aisles at events should be wider. Take it up with the event organizer. Until that happens, don’t be that person. Please.

Anything I miss? Anything you use that you believe no one else uses that should be added? Please, reach out and let us know. We will add it in the next edition.

At Have Camera, Will Cosplay we always have a full cosplay repair kit on hand at every photoshoot we do. We do this because we know accidents happen, Props break. At the same time, we want to make sure you have the best photoshoot experience possible with your cosplay. 

Interested in having us a part of your next cosplay adventure?

Reach out and let us know.